Our Mission is to add value to public and private sector enterprises through the exchange of ideas and insights on performance management, measurement and improvement.

Feature: Practical Lessons from World-Wide RBM Practice

This one day event  draws on recently conducted world analysis and good practices related to results-based management to suggest key principles, techniques, tools and guides to help organizations build results based management into their planning, monitoring (measurement), evaluation and reporting systems. Contact info@pmn.net to book a session for you or your team.


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Resources refer both to the amount of time, money, and / or energy exerted and the type of resources used. Types of resources include capital and labour, skill types and core competencies required, as well as the physical and spatial location of resources. Most recently we have come to recognize that resources also include knowledge and intellectual property. It is important to know the total resources committed to a goal (service or program) as well as the key characteristics of the resources. For more information on PMN resources click here

For PMN Results click here.

The Three Rs and the Performance Framework have been key to our guiding several organizations to develop an approach to performance measurement that drives their performance in the right direction. Describing success in this balanced way is not something people are used to doing, but makes intuitive sense once you introduce them to it.
Gretchen Jordan, Ph.D., Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories

Reach refers to breadth and depth of influence over which an organization wishes to spread its resources. Physical (spatial) reach is one dimension, as well as the type of groups one wants to affect. For many organizations, teams, or individuals, reach goals relate to the amount, type, and extent of clients served. The concept may also apply to suppliers, delivery partners, and other groups who are directly involved in your services or processes. For more information on PMN reach click here

Wisconsin Logic Model Course refers to Montague’s Use of Reach in the Context of Results Logic.

...it seems only natural to balance reach, results and resources within our management frameworks.
Mary Mes-Hartree, Director, Canadian Forest Service, Science Branch, Natural Resources Canada

Results refer to the impact on the groups reached by the resources used. Desired results usually include the attainment of a desired mental or physical state. There is thought to be value addedwhen results are desirable. When referring to clients, this means they are satisfied and / or that they achieve a desired change. (For example, they stay safe, get healthy, or learn to read.)

Using our Results Chain Hierarchy we can trace the results of some of PMN partner key influences over the past 25 years. Click here for PMN Results.


Steve Montague has finally given meaning to the plastic words of efficiency, effectiveness and probity within the federal government. Instead of managing organizations by outputs/number of dollars spent “for the good of the public sector”, Steve has come up with an approach that helps public servants manage by results.
Suzanne Matheson, Former Manager, Adaptation Division, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada