Practical Lessons from World-Wide RBM Practice

NOTE – General offerings of this course have been completed. For specific agency requests please email for more information.

Why is this Session important?

This one day event will draw on recently conducted  world analysis and good practice related to results-based management to suggest key principles, techniques, tools and guides  to help organizations build results based management into their planning, monitoring (measurement), evaluation and reporting systems. Recent United Nations developments will be combined with other successful practices from the World Bank, Europe, Australia, Canada and the US to provide registrants with conceptually solid and practically relevant ideas, principles, tools, techniques and guidance. This session will be of direct relevance to those directing, managing, supporting or doing Performance Information Profiles (PIPs), Departmental Plans (DP) and Departmental Results Reports (DRR).

Who should come?

This  session is an intermediate to advanced course for all Federal Government analysts and managers involved in the planning, monitoring, measurement, evaluation, reporting and management of results. Depending on the make-up of registrants – guidance will be tailored to the types of organization and sectors  involved in the session.

Pre- Session Preparation

Participants are invited to complete a pre-Session survey and review select readings provided upon registration.

How will it be delivered?

Combination of presentation, small group work, self-study and reflection. Materials will be tailored to the needs of registrants.

This session will be led by Steve Montague (FCES).

Upcoming Sessions:

Currently there are no open sessions available. Contact to book a session for your group.

For reviews of past related workshops led by Steve Montague / PMN see  Course ReviewRave Reviews and CES Review.

